Abstract Details

John Robertson

Professor at University of Cambridge

John Robertson

Professor at University of Cambridge

Abstract Name:

TeO2 as a p-type amorphous semiconductor for low-temperature processing


Symposium C: Electronic & Photonic Devices


C4: Thin Film Transistor Technologies

Abstract Contributing Authors:

John Robertson1, X Zhang2, Q Gui2, Y Guo2,

Abstract Body:

There is a lack of practical low-temperature p-type oxide amorphous semiconductors for electronics to balance the widespread availability of n-type oxide semiconductors [1]. Glassy TeO2 is already well known for its large non-linear optical response [2]. Amorphous TeO2, closely related to its β polytype, can be made by pulsed laser deposition [3], has a high p-type mobility and a bandgap of ~3.5 eV [4,5]. While experimentally undoped TeO2 is found to be weakly p-type, high conductivity has yet to be seen [5]. We show by ab-initio molecular dynamics that amorphous TeO2 makes an ordered random network with very few like-atom bonds and that it can be degenerately doped p-type by substitutional AsTe sites and would not be compensated by intrinsic defects [6]. Additionally, substitutional NO sites form moderately shallow sites unlike in ZnO. Thus, TeO2 should make the first useful amorphous p-type semiconductor.

[1] H Hosono, Jpn J App Phys 52 09001 (2013)
[2] M B Yahia et al, J Phys Chem B Lets 112 10777 (2008)
[3] J Shi et al, App Phys Lett 122 101901 (2023)
[4] S Guo, et al, Nanoscale 10 8397 (2018)
[5] A Zavabeti et al, Nature Electronics 4 277 (2021)
[6] J Robertson, S J Clark, Phys Rev B 83 075205 (2011)

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