Abstract Details

Steven Clowes

Professor of Physics at University of Surrey

Steven Clowes

Professor of Physics at University of Surrey

Abstract Name:

Focussed beam deterministic implantation for quantum technologies


Symposium B: Materials Discovery, Modification & Functionalisation


B7: Defect and Impurity Engineering

Abstract Contributing Authors:

S.K. Clowes, E. Schneider, M.G. Masteghin, K. Stockbridge, O. Willard-Lloyd, V. Zelyk, M. Ludlow, R.P. Webb, B.N. Murdin and D.C. Cox

Abstract Body:

Deterministic implantation of single or few ions is currently of high interest for quantum technology applications. As part of the UK National Ion Beam Centre (UKNIBC), we are developing two instruments to carry out deterministic implantation across a range of ion species. These bespoke focused ion beam systems are designed specifically for the task of deterministic implantation with a variety of ion species, using both a liquid metal ion source and a gas-based duoplasmatron source. Both systems use a pulsed, low-current beam of ions and include Wien filter mass/charge filtering, neutral filtering, and the use of secondary electron detection and ion beam induced charge detection to determine when an implantation event has occurred. They operate an EBL-like strategy for precise location of the ion pulse at the desired locations, with resolutions on the same scale as the ion straggle.
This talk will report on the latest developments in these tool capabilities, including access to rare earth and transition metal species. It will also provide updates on the development of the international roadmap for the application of deterministic implantation for quantum technologies through the EPSRC RAISIN network.

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