Abstract Details

Nico Klingner

Staff Scientist at HZDR

Nico Klingner

Staff Scientist at HZDR

Abstract Name:

TIBUSSII – the next generation of FIB and its wide range of applications


Symposium C: Electronic & Photonic Devices


C3: Single Photon Sources

Abstract Contributing Authors:

Nico Klingner 1*, G. Hlawacek 1, U. Bektas 1, S. Facsko 1, M. Hollenbach 1, G. Astakhov 1, J. Silvent 2, A. Delobbe 2 1 Institute of Ion Beam Physics and Materials Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden - Rossendorf (HZDR), Bautzner Landstr. 400, 01328 Dresden, Germany 2 Orsay Physics, ZAC, Saint Charles 95, Av. des Monts Auréliens, 13710 Fuveau, France * corresponding author email: n.klingner@hzdr.de

Abstract Body:

The ongoing miniaturization has reached a point where dopants, impurities or active impurities reach the quantum limit, making deterministic single ion implantation (SII) indispensable. Moreover, applications in quantum computing, quantum photonics, spintronics, and magnonics require at the same time, a very precise spatial placement of implants without the need masks that stick to those nanostructures. Other requirements would be a wide range of available ion species, the ability to implant from extremely low to extremely high fluences as well as low voltage operation.

Our new system, named TIBUSSII, addresses all of these requirements. It is the first UHV system to include a 7-nm liquid metal alloy ion source (LMAIS) focused ion beam (FIB), a 16-nm electron cyclotron resonance plasma FIB, and a 5-nm scanning electron microscope (SEM). The SEM will be used for implantation and damage-free navigation, orientation and inspection. Both FIB columns are equipped with an isotope selecting ExB Wien mass filter, three bipolar Einzellenses, a chicane for neutral particles, and additional fast blankers while a new secondary electron (SE) spectrometer is currently in development. It will be based on a semiconductor detector and is expected to surpass the detection efficiency of existing systems and be able to quantify the number of SEs generated per ions impact. 

Finally, we will present past, current and an outlook on future applications. We show the latest results on the creation of G-Centers and W-Centers for single photon emitters in silicon1.  We also demonstrate its capabilities to locally modify gallium oxide - a novel ultra-wide band gap material with very promising properties. It shows polymorphism which can be controlled by local ion irradiation. This fabrication method may pave the way for several potential applications e.g. in power electronics, optoelectronics, thermoelectricity batteries.

1Hollenbach, M., Klingner, N., et al. Nature Communication. 13, 7683 (2022).  10.1038/s41467-022-35051-5

Support by the State of Saxony via Project 100629936 GoFIB—Gallium Oxide Fabrication with Ion Beams and the COST Action 19140 FIT4NANO is acknowledged.

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