Abstract Details

Mete Atatüre

Professor at University of Cambridge

Mete Atatüre

Professor at University of Cambridge

Abstract Name:

From Quantum Optics to Quantum Technologies: A Story of Gemstone and Light


Symposium A: Materials, Modelling, Simulation & Characterisation


A1: Electronic Defects & Transport

Abstract Contributing Authors:

Mete Atatüre

Abstract Body:

The technologies of tomorrow emerge from the science of today. This is one of the commonly used  phrases to describe how scientific discoveries translate to useful technology. In the development of quantum physics, optics played a critical role from the early days at the birth of disruptive concepts to the modern era of accessing a tangible quantum world. Today, translation of curiosity-driven quantum physics to disruptive technologies is well on its way and many material platforms are under consideration for the physical implementation of useful devices. Diamond is one of many material platforms that offer promising technological roadmaps. This talk will present the journey towards near-term applications of the quantum world from the perspective of this unexpected partnership of gemstone and light.

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